Singers from Uptown, Amish from Pennsylvania, or Shoppers from Queens…No Matter. In NYC, You’ll Need The Subway

It’s a miraculously not-so-disastrous subway weekend here in New York. The remnants of Hurricane Andrea left everything super wet overnight, but now she’s gone and subway buskers, tourists and retail therapy patients alike are out in force at the 49th Street stop on the N/Q/R line in Times Square.


The Makeup Counter Is Now On The Underground Level


Two women on a Manhattan bound R train from Queens to Manhattan engage in a little bit of “Makeup Counter Magic” on the subway. Given that they got off at 59th & Lexington Avenue and they’re wearing all black, to be fair, they probably work at a real makeup counter at Bloomingdale’s.

The first place I consistently saw a lot of women putting on their own full makeup on public transportation was in Tokyo in the early 2000s. I didn’t really see much of it here in New York until around 2008-9 or so.

Now it looks like it’s evolving. The woman on the right was putting full makeup on her friend/co-worker on the left for most of my ride on an R train from Queens to Midtown Manhattan.

Is this overly public? The dog in the poster seems to think so…



Lady, I Think Your Dog Has A New Friend


One of the reasons that non-seeing eye dogs are only allowed on the subways is carriers and bags is because of what almost happened about 10 seconds after this picture. The boy and the dog here noticed each other and seemed to hit it off. When the kid was about to walk out of the door at the 59th and Lex stop, the little pooch leaped out of the seat and almost got squashed in “the closing doors”.

I don’t think she’ll make that mistake again.